We were really looking forward to this gig as we rolled into Cramlington Clef & Cask on a nippy Friday night! A few last minute rearrangements involving PA and gear etc was all good for the soul and created that little bit more 'edge', we like that :) A few teething problems with Amps and guitars during soundcheck were soon ironed out as l decided to give Mr. Flying V his punk rock debut with a full set run out!
Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances opening band Spitfire Bullets were unable to kick things off so that meant The Halfcuts had an extra 15 minutes to their set, so basically another 10 songs ;) I'm kidding of course! The lads played a cracking set in what was there first gig in over a year. Highlights included 'Short Walk to Nowhere' and their new single 'Seratonin', before finishing with 'Lord of the Dance' which even would've had Michael Flatley pogo-ing...or maybe even Stavros Flatley :) Let’s just hope they don’t leave it so long until next time! They won’t have a choice if we have anything to do with it ;)
So we hit the stage around 9:45 and blasted into 'Long Time Dead' and kept the pace up tearing through 55 minutes of our own brand of punk pop rock n rolla! The place was jumping with a brilliant crowd, it couldn’t have went better. After a rousing climatic 'Mexicola' the people wanted more! Too right! We teased them coming back on with 'Karamgeddon' before bringing the house down with the Sex Pistols classic 'Pretty Vacant' featuring Tony Houghton from local Punk heroes COLLiSiON. A truly brilliant night!
Big thanks to everyone who came down to support the bands. Also praise and respect to Steve Leyland for Bass Amplification, and to Paul Sub for a great job with the Sound. Big up also to Malcom and all the staff at The Clef & Cask. We shall return :)
Don’t forget we are also playing on Sunday night February at The Doll @ The Black Bull in Gateshead supporting The Lurkers!!!