Thursday, 26 February 2015

LoGOz - Triple Weekender!!!

Here we are again folks as another hectic weekend for LoGOz just got a whole lot busier!!! We now have 3 gigs in 3 days. 2 gigs Friday night and 1 Sunday! Let me explain :) First up, Friday, we are at The Georgian Theatre in Stockton as main support to GOLDBLADE. The band feature Bass playing Punk journalist John Robb (check his cool site ( This is gonna be a great gig for us and we cant wait to make our debut at the Georgian Theatre. Tickets are £8.50 adv / £10 otd.

After this we are burning serious rubber and breaking speed laws to dash back to beautiful Northumberland to the familiar surroundings of The Roxbury in Blyth. Kicking things off with their Anthemic British Punk onslaught is ALL OUT ATTACK. Next up are hotly tipped young Mod Rockin' scamps The MIDDENS. This is FREE Entry and kicks off at 9pm.

Then on Sunday March 1st we make yet another return to our second home that is The Doll @ The Black Bull in Gateshead. This is for The North East Hunt Sabs Fundraiser. This event starts at 5pm with some great bands, including KICKBACK GENERATION, MY RULES, NO CROSS, RAZOR SHARP DEATH BLIZZARD & ACTIVE MINDS. We are onstage at around 6pm.

This is gonna be a cracking weekend for LoGOz. It would be great to see some of your familiar faces over the next few days :)

Come along and celebrate your own decay!!!


Monday, 23 February 2015

LoGOz - Black Bull Gateshead 21/02/15 - Drummer Vacancy - AcoustiCalendar Song #8

Here we were again back at the good old Doll at The Black Bull in Gateshead on a mild wintry February Saturday night! We almost feel like LoGOz are resident band here as this is fast becoming our most played venue, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing :) Tonight we're supporting Punk Country Folkers 'Norman Silver & The Gold' from Glasgow! Interesting! As ever soundcheck is swift and menacing and we're ready to rip it up! To be honest it was a quieter affair in terms of attendance than usual but that didn't stop us from playing a blinder so thank you to the intimately appreciative folk who turned out :) Cheers and beers also to Norman Silver and his band of Gold who did what they do best in their Anarchic Scottish folk type way :)

LoGOz are now looking for a new drummer as Carl has decided his time has come to an end with the band. The upcoming gig next Friday at The Roxbury in Blyth will not be affected. We are looking for an ambitious, hard working dedicated drummer to help drive the band forward and on to the next level we all believe we're destined for. This is an exciting time for the band with the repackaging of PSYCHO RADIO ready for release very soon, and higher profile gigs coming up we want to keep this bandwagon rolling!! 
Anyone interested please contact us via the bands websites and links: 
or email us: 

Monday again so here is my next installment for the AcoustiCalendar 2015 Project. Cant believe we're into the 8th song already! This weeks track is THE NiGHT BEFORE THE MORNiNG AFTER. A playful stab at the recklessness of a daft night out on the drink and the inevitable after effects the following morning! Its all good fun :) You can download this track for FREE at 

Monday, 16 February 2015

AcoustiCalendar 2015 - Song #7 - KiCK OUT THE NEGATiVES

Hey these Mondays soon come around again eh? So that means its time for another New AcoustiCalendar track. Song number 7 comes in the shape of KiCK OUT THE NEGATiVES. This one was written last week and could be almost prophetic considering the end of the week l had on a personal and musical basis! I'm not Superstitious but my Friday the 13th had far too many collisions for it to be purely coincidence :) Sometimes you should never tempt fate haha but then again this life is meant to keep us on our toes. One thing being in this band, its never boring :) But the song itself was written with the mentality of getting rid of all the negatives by facing your fears and moving on and being all the better for it! So remember, as ever, you can download this new track from now until next monday when the next one is uploaded. Hope you enjoy it peoples :)

Monday, 9 February 2015

LoGOz - Lurkers Gig Review & NEW AcoustiCalendar Song #6 - BURN BRiGHT

Our second gig of a busy weekend saw us at The Doll @ The Black Bull in Gateshead supporting Punk stalwarts The Lurkers.

After a cracking soundcheck and our set time arranged for 9pm we mingled with the band and had good crack with Singer Bass player Arturo. Discussing the current state of the UK Punk scene and his other band, a certain 999.

It was around 9:10pm when we hit the stage and tore through a frantic in yer face half hour to an intimately enthusiastic receptive crowd! The merchandise continued to sell well with our New T-Shirt 'LoGOz - Celebrate Your Own Decay' being particular popular :)

The Lurkers rolled onstage just before 10pm and gave their fans exactly what they wanted! No nonsense 3 chord punk sing-a-longs. Highlights included the classic 'Go Ahead Punk Make My Day' 'Aint Got a Clue' and 'Come and Reminisce if You Think You're Old Enough'. Another great night for LoGOz which capped off a cracking weekend! We finished the night with a photo snap with the band, said our goodbyes and headed home! Big thanks to Shev for putting us and a great sound as ever. Also big up to everyone who came last night you know who you are :)

So, on to Monday and its AcoustiCalendar NEW Song time already! Nowt like putting pressure on myself haha l thrive on it man! This weeks song #6 out of 52 is called BURN BRiGHT. Written only last week and is a nice little laid back track dealing with the past present and future :) As ever you can download this little fella at and will be available for 7 days until the next song is uploaded.

Cheerz everyone :)

Me and The Lurkers gents

Saturday, 7 February 2015

LoGOz - Clef & Cask - Live Review 6/2/15

We were really looking forward to this gig as we rolled into Cramlington Clef & Cask on a nippy Friday night! A few last minute rearrangements involving PA and gear etc was all good for the soul and created that little bit more 'edge', we like that :) A few teething problems with Amps and guitars during soundcheck  were soon ironed out as l decided to give Mr. Flying V his punk rock debut with a full set run out! 

Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances opening band Spitfire Bullets were unable to kick things off so that meant The Halfcuts had an extra 15 minutes to their set, so basically another 10 songs ;) I'm kidding of course! The lads played a cracking set in what was there first gig in over a year. Highlights included 'Short Walk to Nowhere' and their new single 'Seratonin', before finishing with 'Lord of the Dance' which even would've had Michael Flatley pogo-ing...or maybe even Stavros Flatley :) Let’s just hope they don’t leave it so long until next time! They won’t have a choice if we have anything to do with it ;)

So we hit the stage around 9:45 and blasted into 'Long Time Dead' and kept the pace up tearing through 55 minutes of our own brand of punk pop rock n rolla! The place was jumping with a brilliant crowd, it couldn’t have went better.  After a rousing climatic 'Mexicola' the people wanted more! Too right! We teased them coming back on with 'Karamgeddon' before bringing the house down with the Sex Pistols classic 'Pretty Vacant' featuring Tony Houghton from local Punk heroes COLLiSiON. A truly brilliant night!

Big thanks to everyone who came down to support the bands. Also praise and respect to Steve Leyland for Bass Amplification, and to Paul Sub for a great job with the Sound. Big up also to Malcom and all the staff at The Clef & Cask. We shall return :)

Don’t forget we are also playing on Sunday night February at The Doll @ The Black Bull in Gateshead supporting The Lurkers!!!


Thursday, 5 February 2015

LoGOz - Gig action this weekend Feb 6th & 8th

Just to remind all you Punk rockin' lads and lasses that LoGOz return to Live action this weekend starting on Friday night at The Clef and Cask in Cramlington. This is FREE Entry and kicks off at 7:30pm. Support comes from Spitfire Bullets from Sunderland with their mix of Punk Rock classic covers and in yer face originals. Also we have Morpeth/Ashingtons answer to The Ramones in the shape of The Half Cuts with their first gig since 2013 and rumoured to be part of their 'Lethargy in The U.K' Tour. The lads will also be promoting their New Download Single 'Seratonin'. Its gonna be a crackin' night so get yourselves down and make some noise with the boys :)
Then on Sunday February 8th we are supporting UK Punk veterans The Lurkers at The Doll at the Black Bull in Gateshead. Fronted by the legendary Arturo Bassick also of 999. Did you know he once got lost on his way to a Star Wars convention? He got there eventually, but he had to take an Arturo Detour :)
Hope to see ya over the weekend

Monday, 2 February 2015

NEW AcoustiCalendar Song #5 PAiNT THE TOWN RED - LoGOz gigs this week!!!

Hey just to let you know that my new AcoustiCalendar Song #5 out of 52 l'm writing and recording this year is called PAiNT THE TOWN RED. Its a reflective alco-melancholic dont let the days pass you by kind of ditty :) Recorded this afternoon in one take with an extra vocal overdub for good measure. l'm pretty pleased with it :) You can download this song FREE from As ever this song will only be available for 7 days until the next track is uploaded. So get clicking folks and enjoy some free legal sonic downloading!!! Only another 47 to go :)

LoGOz return to Live action this weekend with 2 cracking gigs! On Friday night February 6th we are at The Clef & Cask in Cramlington with our punk rockin' buddies The Half Cuts and Spitfire Bullets. This event is FREE Entry and kicks off at 7:30pm. Then on Sunday February 8th we are at The Doll at The Black Bull in Gateshead supporting legendary British punks The Lurkers, as part of their current UK Tour. Check this link for more details

So we hope to see some of your familiar faces this weekend and maybe some new ones too :) Come along make a noise with the boys and celebrate your own decay!!!
