Monday, 29 June 2015

Logoz - Blyth / Berwick / Ashington Gig Reviews

We kicked off our long weekend of gigs with a return to The Tavern in Blyth on Thursday night. Having played here in April for Tony Collision's 50th Birthday bash and me playing a Solo acoustic set just a few weeks ago we were in familiar territory. After a cheeky band rehearsal earlier just to polish up a few older tracks we hadn't played in a while, we were more than happy to blow the cobwebs off the likes of SKELETONS, LiTTLE O.C.D. and POiSONADE for this weekends gigs! Opening up tonight's gig was A DAY IN HELSiNKi, who we remember playing with back in September last year at The Lord Clyde in Byker. With their alternative indie groove and some heart wrenching vocals, the band opened up well as we were itching to make a noise, although under instruction not to play too loud???!!!??!!! The weather was our enemy tonight with the pissing rain maybe putting a few folk off making the trip down! A small hardcore following were still gonna get a 100% full on committed LoGOz show that's for sure! It was cool to get MONKEY BUSiNESS back in the set along with KARAMAGEDDON as well as the aforementioned 3 as we played for a good hours blast! The sound was spot on so thanks to Vince Race for that. Special mention again to all who braved the rain and came along, much appreciated!

Friday saw us heading back up to The Barrels in Berwick for our third gig there. This venue is one of the most intimate places we'll ever play, and tonight was very initmate! Lets just say it was a disappointing turn out, but thank you so much to those who made the journey to support us! I kicked the night off with a 10 strong song set of my AcoustiCalendar tracks, kicking off with THE BALLAD OF THE DiSENCHANTED and debuting WEEKEND OFFENDER and TATTOOS AND DRiNKiNG it was a great experience supporting my own band. I look forward to doing this again very soon :) Again as a band we played like our lives depended on it and delivered a solid 60 minutes of our original punk rock n roll!!! Shame for the excitable post student gig goers who came in to see us just as we had finished!!! Also l must give a shout out to the broad Scottish Rod Stewart lookalike who I had some amusing Auf Wiedereshen Pet/ Jimmy Nail banter with afterwards! Also a big thanks to owner Jaki for booking us and of course again to the crew who came up!

Sunday saw us back in our Hometown of Ashington for the Street Fayre. This is the third year running we've been asked to play, so that can only be a good thing right? After an early morning dash to Newcastle to sort my new Acoustic Guitar I felt like I was pushing time heading back to get sorted for the gig! Those who are interested I've just purchased a brand new Fender Hellcat Tim Armstrong (Rancid) Model. Its a beauty and has an amazing tone, so I cant wait to get playing with this little baby! Anyway, the weather again was threatening to gatecrash the party with rain forecast right on our set time of 1pm. As we got to Station Road we could hear our good friend and studio engineer Mr Ally Lee fronting his Kingsize Voodoo Traveller band! Giving LoGOz plenty of plugs from the stage and getting the crowd to chant " Oh Oh Oh Mexicola" we were more than ready to hit the stage! This is always a tricky gig for me. Playing open air on the main street of my hometown where so many familiar faces stop, stare, smile, wave, clap, shout, sing etc its a total mixed bag of emotions but one I/we always thoroughly enjoy! Just as we were soundchecking the clouds broke and the rain came down haha typical!! At one point there was more than enough of the wet stuff on the electrical stage equipment for it to be quite dangerous! Thankfully the Gods came back on our side and the rain stopped and the sun shone down on us :) A great crowd had gathered to watch us again, and although we werent 100% convinced with the outdoor sound, sometimes you gotta just put that to one side and focus on delivering the songs the best way we can! And we indeed did just that! We were having way too much fun to realise we were slightly over running! So JOiE DE ViVRE ended up being our finale! There was too much of a great atmosphere and repsonse from the crowd for us to even think about complaining, so we said our farewells leaving folk wanting more!!! A great end to what was an interesting weekend of gigs for the band. But again one we feel was still important and relelvant to the whole LoGOz rollercoaster ride! Thank you to our family and friends and the people of Ashington for a great turn out and last but not least Mike 'I'm a man of my word' Slaughter for booking us again. Top man.

So here we are again on Monday as we hit halfway stage of my AcoustiCalendar 52 Project. This week Song #26 is SKOOL DAZE with a nostalgic affectionate look back on those best days of our lives! Personally I loved school and made great life long friends so I have nothing but good memories, even though it was a long time ago haha! As always the song will be available to download FREE from and will be up for 7 days until the next track is uploaded. Also don't forget you can order my AcoustiCalendar 13.1 CD from &


Wednesday, 24 June 2015

LoGOz Gigs this weekend - Blyth / Berwick / Ashington

Just to let you all know of some LoGOz gig activity this weekend lads and lasses! Our weekend starts early again on Thursday with a return to The Tavern in Blyth. This cool intimate venue has only recently started showcasing bands, as I played a solo acoustic show there a few weeks ago on the first night opening for The ALMIGHTY UPRISERS. I had a cracking time and more happy to be invited back by Vince Race for LoGOz to headline this one with A DAY IN HELSINKI kicking things off at around 9pm. This is FREE Entry so come along and make a cracking start to your weekend!

Friday night then sees us back up to Berwick at the world famous Barrels Ale House. This has a great little downstairs Live Cellar room which has a cool vibe, which we've enjoyed twice before! So we cant wait to complete the hat-trick of gigs, with this also being Harry's debut show here! Also for the first time I will be supporting LoGOz, by kicking off the night with a 100% solo Acoustic set to warm your little punk rock souls! I will be playing tracks from my New AcoustiCalendar 13.1 CD as well as some recent songs from the project never before played Live! Then after that of course we will be ripping it up full band style causing sonic chaos and disorder on the Border!!! Again this gig is FREE Entry so you could do a lot better than watch the latest Big Brother Eviction Show and blast through to Berwick and enjoy a cracking evening of Solo / LoGOz original Anarcoustic / Punk Rock n Roll!!!

Saturday gives us a chance to give our voices and arms a rest before Sunday as we play the Ashington Town Fayre on Station Road for the third year running! We're looking forward to punkin' up the sabbath with local friends, families, fans, associates, exes, comrades, colleagues, children, animals and enemies!!! This year we're kicking off the Live entertainment off at 1pm. So either have your Sunday dinners early folks or grab a heart attack in a bun from one of the many fine fast food vans scattered amongst our locality! Bring the kids too as well as ya grannies, its gonna be a blast! Hope to see lots of you there :)


Tuesday, 23 June 2015

LoGOz - Teams Club Gateshead Review / AcoustiCalendar Song #25 DEAD FAMOUS

Last Friday saw LoGOz return to The Teams Club in Gateshead. We were kicking off an all punk rock Bill with THE LAST RESORT, VICE SQUAD, EAST END BADOES & NO THRILLS. After some annoying peak time traffic on the outskirts of Newcastle we hit the Teams Club around 5:30pm in good time for the scheduled soundcheck. Plenty of activity going in inside as we reacquainted ourselves with genial host and promoter extraordinaire Mr Stief-a-Billy. After a slight mix up regarding running orders and soundchecks etc, before we knew it we were loading our gear onstage and ready to warm up! After some uncomfortable electric shock treatment the last time we played here, I was pleased to be informed of a new inhouse PA had been installed with anti electrocution Mics too :) Even in an empty room the sound was big and ballsy, and thankfully little help was needed from our unfriendly Mr Soundman at the desk! As the punks and skinheads started bustling through the doors there was a healthy crowd gathering considering it was still only 7:20pm as we hit the stage! We blasted straight into usual set opener LONG TiME DEAD and played with the kind of intensity of a band with a point to prove! Maybe the slight disappointment of the dodgy sound and electric shocks last time round, gave us that extra focus this time! But we played a blinder if we do say so ourselves! I even strained my voice a little too much towards the end with the sheer ferocity and passion! We really meant it tonight and the crowd sensed that. Skinned heads nodded and docs tapped to every song as we closed the 35 minutes with our nostalgic manthem MEXiCOLA. During our set Clemmy was snapping away amidst keeping an eagle ear on the sound as well as conversing with LAST RESORT mainman Roi Pearce who was very complimentary of our stuff! 

Next on and pretty much within minutes of us exiting the stage Cumbria's NO THRILLS were up. Another swift change and it was time for the EAST END BADOES in their Friday night casual best to get the place jumping! Top stuff with the highlight being their very own London punk lullaby FOREVER PROUD. Mainman Terry actually came straight off stage and made a beeline for us to say how much he loved our set tonight! Top geezer!
Then we had the evergreen ageless punk princess Beki Bondage and her VICE SQUAD. The band gave their  adoring fans what they wanted including  the classic PUNK ROCK RADIO, LATEX LOVE & ROCK N ROLL MASSACRE.

Then it was the turn of headliners the LAST RESORT fresh from their South American jaunt and playing one of their rare outside of London gigs! The band delivered a solid in yer face performance with mainman Roi the boy being on top form! Fists were raised and boots were stomped especially to the rousing NEVER GET A JOB. This isnt just a punk rock show its a way of life! Indeed :) Another great night and gig we're proud to be involved in. Big thanks to Stief for putting us  on and doing a great job bringing us all together! New friends and fans were made yet again as we headed out of Gateshead with rasping throats and another sense of pride. Cheers to everyone who came down, and shame on the twats that nicked gear from LAST RESORTS merchandise stall. Oi Oi Oi!

Another Monday rolls around again and here we are on Song #25 of my AcoustiCalendar Project, almost halfway there! This weeks track is called DEAD FAMOUS. This one got me thinking about where I was or when I remember hearing about the deaths of Musical icons in my lifetime! Again I could go on forever but I kinda picked the ones that to me had the most effect on myself as well as the media, culture and the music world itself. Although the rhythm is quite upbeat it still sounds pretty laid back. As always the song will be available to download for FREE at until the next track is uploaded. Dont forget you can also buy and order my debut AcoustiCalendar 13.1 CD from or


Thursday, 18 June 2015

AcoustiCalendar 13.1 CD Release / Koast Radio Show / Upcoming Gigs

I'm very pleased to announce the official release of my debut Solo AcoustiCalendar CD 13.1. As many of you will know this is my unique personal project which started life at the end of 2014, with an idea to release an acoustic song online every Monday night for the 52 weeks of 2015. The main intention originally was to offload and share a lot of my back catalogue of songs I have written over the last few years and this seemed like a great way of putting a lot of my unheard music out there. So to kick start the project I wrote a brand new song in very early January 2015 called 'NEW YEARS REVOLUTiON. After which I had the brain wave of writing and recording a brand NEW song every week, making this an exclusive 2015 commitment! No pressure of course :) So AcoustiCalendar 52 was born and has kind of taken on a rollercoaster life of its own, and its a ride I'm more than pleased to strapped into! As the songs gained momentum it was then pointed out to me by Clemmy, that 52 songs split quarterly would mean 4 separate 13 track compilations. So here we are with the release of the very first one. The CDs are now available to order from  for £6 inc P&P. 
(or contact me or the band via our facebook pages:
You can also buy these little beauties at LoGOz or Solo gigs for £5. Alternatively in this modern digital age you can soon buy and download the tracks from bandcamp and LoGOz  website. But don’t forget as ever until the end of the year there will be a new track available to download FREE from every Monday night! These songs will only be available for 7 days until the next track is uploaded. Come on join in the Anarcoustic fun!!!

The track listing for AcoustiCalendar 13.1 is:
10. P.I.G.

Tuesday night June 16th saw me back at Koast Radio studios for my second solo appearance this year on Kick Out The Jams with vinyl junkie punk ska enthusiast and top man Mr DJ Nick Newcombe. The show kicked off at 8pm and after spinning a few skankin' tracks Nick and me were chewing the fat all things AcoustiCalendar and recent solo gigs, before a Live performance of THE BALLAD OF THE DiSENCHANTED got things underway! After more lighthearted crack and top tunes including great hidden gems from bands like The Saints and The Meekons, I played 3 more tracks Live with THiS IS MY ENGLAND, OLD PUNKS NEVER DiE, before finishing off with this week’s brand new AcoustiCalendar Song #24 KiDS TV. Another great experience personally and we got some cool video footage as well as some pretty snazzy pics! Big thanks again to Nick Newcombe and everyone at Koast Radio. If you missed it you can keep checking Nick’s Mixcloud to catch the recording of the show

Just a reminder of LoGOZ upcoming gigs! Friday June 19th we are at The Teams Club in Gateshead and are kicking off a 5 band bill including LAST RESORT and VICE SQUAD. Tickets are £16.50. It starts at 7pm so its an early start and we can’t wait to smash it up! Then on Thursday June 25th we hit the Tavern in Blyth with A DAY IN HELSINKI. This is FREE Entry so come down and support this great night! The following night we're heading back up to The Barrels in Berwick. This will be the first time I will opening up the show before LoGOz with a solo Acoustic set. If anyone fancies a jaunt up then come and join us it’s a cracking little cellar venue with a great atmosphere! It’s also FREE Entry! So let’s cause sonic chaos and disorder on the Borders :) Thats it for now! We hope to see lots of your sun kissed faces in the next few weeks at these gigs, so get ya shades on, we're smashin up the Summer :)


Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Solo Blyth / LoGOz Middlesbrough Gig Reviews / AcoustiCalendar Song #24 KiDS T.V.

Another busy early start to the weekend kicked off with a Solo gig on Thursday night at The Tavern in Blyth. I was already familiar with this place as LoGOz had played here in April for Tony Collision's 50th Birthday Bash! Tonight I was opening up for the ALMiGHTY UPRiSERS. It was a warm sticky evening as me and Clemmy rolled up to the venue to be greeted warmly by the evening’s promoter Mr Vince Race. A breezy soundcheck swiftly followed and everything was running like clockwork as an 8:45pm slot was the order of the day! After toying with a different opener I kept it cool and started with usual BALLAD OF THE DiSENCHANTED then straight into RiOT ON THE RADiO. I really enjoyed the intimacy of The Tavern as a solo artist, standing toe to toe with everyone, as people listened and joined in the acoustic shenanigans! Koast Radio DJ Nick Newcombe and Co particularly keeping the banter flowing! I closed the set with OLD PUNKS NEVER DiE complete this time with the crescendo featuring snippets from PRETTY VACANT / ONLY FOOLS & HORSES and climaxing with THAT'S LIVING ALRIGHT!!! The set went down great and a big thanks to everyone who came down. Much appreciated.

Next up it was the ALMiGHTY UPRiSERS with their upbeat skinhead Ska tunes and political vitriol delivered charismatically by frontman guitarist/vocalist Sparra! These boys look like they've come straight off the set of This is England! But they sure can play, even between onstage swigs of Navy Rum, the lads delivered a set as polished as their Ox blood Docs! I look forward to seeing them again, and there’s already talk of teaming up with LoGOz in the very near future so watch this space! Thanks again to all who came along, and big up again to Mr Race in what was his first night at The Tavern. Cheerz.

The next night saw not only the return of TFI Friday to our TV screens but also the return of LoGOz to Teeside, Middlesbrough. Tonight we were opening up for NEWTOWN NEUROTICS and touring support FLiES ON YOU at the Westgarth Club. Soundcheck as ever for us was a swift affair and we were happy with the cooperation from our youthful bearded sound guy! The place was filling up very healthily as we took to the stage just before 8pm. Launching straight into LONG TiME DEAD and quickly following up with UNEASY STREET the crowd was right on our side! Happy faces, familiar and strange all danced, bounced and sang along and it was all over too quickly as standard set closer MEXiCOLA was ringing around the place to an amazing response! Job done yet again! T-Shirts were sold, flyers were signed and pictures were taken as we mingled with the Middlesbrough massive. Next up were FLiES ON YOU with their quirky punk alternative anti pop tunes, including the fantastically titled 'Katie Hopkins in a Human form'. They delivered a more than entertaining set with amusing banter including tales of living next to Frank Bough! Then headliners NEWTOWN NEUROTICS took to the stage and gave the Middlesbrough hardcore just what they wanted! Frontman Steve Drewett was on top form performing their post punk rock classics including the 1981 political anthem 'Kick out the Tories'. Another fantastic night for LoGOz and everyone involved. Special mention to Promoter Steve Harland and Martin Mathers and all at Westgarth Club Middlesbrough for a cracking night! Also a big thank you to everyone who came down to support us, you know who you are :)

I can’t believe we're nearly halfway through my 52 tracks in 52 weeks Project! So here we are its AcoustiCalendar Song #24 KiDS T.V. This was just written on Sunday. I was idly messing about with a few chords trying to come up with something new, when the idea of old Kids TV Shows came into my head. That golden era of watching your favourite Shows, long before on demand TV, i-players and multi 24/7 childrens channels!  So I quickly jotted down a few classic Kids programmes from my era! I suddenly realised this could run forever and ever so I had to put a lid on it somewhere! Already people who have heard it are asking "Where’s Inspector Gadget?" "Where’s the Flumps?" "Where’s Postman Pat?" Haha but as I've said I can’t mention them all, but there’s a fair few in there, see how many you can spot :) As always the song will be available to download FREE from for 7 days until the next new track is uploaded :) 

Phew that’s it for now! Thanks for reading :)


Monday, 8 June 2015

Solo Acoustic Roxbury Gig / LoGOz The Doll Review - AcoustiCalendar Song #23

A busy weekend of Solo/LoGOz activity kicked off in familiar territory at the good old Roxbury in Blyth on Friday night. A warm summers night was just the ticket to get thirsty Friday night revellers in the mood to kick off the weekend in style! I was opening up the nights proceedings with an Anarcoustic set for Vinces Birthday Bash with 3 of the North Easts top punk bands ALL OUT ATTACK, COLLiSiON & DEATH TO iNDiE.
After a swift soundcheck and the clock ticking to 9:20pm I strapped my guitar on and asked the ever expanding room of punters and bands to make their way round to the front of the stage! And to my joy and surprise they did just that! So now with all eyes and ears on me it was time to stand and deliver. I kicked straight in with THE BALLAD OF THE DiSENCHANTED and swiftly onto RiOT ON THE RADiO which after the tremendous reception helped settle the nervous energy that was eating away at me! With this being only my second Solo gig I changed the set around from the last one and slipped in LoGOz favourites UNEASY STREET and LONG TiME DEAD as well as AcoustiCalendar track THiS iS MY ENGLAND which got its Live gig debut. I was just really starting to find my stride when it was my 9th and final song OLD PUNKS NEVER DiE along with my Only Fools/Auf Pet outtro it went down a storm and I was blown away by the response! Cheers everyone who came down and made a noise, you know who you are :) 
But this night wasnt all about me! No. Next up ALL OUT ATTACK quickly stepped up to the plate. Blasting through tracks from their latest Album OKTOBERFEST and a rousing cover of MOTORHEAD's 'No Class' frontman Adam was leaping about the stage like Zebedee on Special Brew! The lads were having way too much fun to notice the concept of time and could've played all night given half the chance :)
After another quick changeover it was the turn of local heroes COLLiSiON to take centre stage. With the charismatic sneer of main man Tony Houghton and the sweet vitriol of Karen Khaos, the dualling vocals were backed by the band on top form! They blasted through a no nonsense 30 minutes of classic punk rock scattered with punchy originals. Top stuff.
To finish off the night it was our old buddies DEATH TO iNDiE with their high energy tongue in cheek punk stompathon! From inviting a refreshed young lass onto the stage to sing lead vocals on one track, to off the wall pop covers, as well as their own hook filled originals, it was a great end to brilliant night! Big thanks again to Vince for putting the show on, and a very Happy Birthday fella :)

So onto Saturday and another welcome return to The Doll at The Black Bull in Gateshead for LoGOz supporting punk veterans DEMOB. But not before the band had gathered at Pulse Studios in Blyth for a cheeky practice. It was almost 2 weeks since we had played together at The Riverside Live Festival so it was good to brush the cobwebs off and blast through tonights set! We didnt half go for it! If we play half as good as we did at practice tonight we're gonna be alright! We rolled up to The Doll just as aptly titled touring  support  band 
BORROWED TiME were soundchecking and slightly over running! But hey this is punk rock kids and nothing ever goes to plan :) Before we knew it were back on that familiar stage and ripping through a quick line check! Theres something about this venue that just makes us sound nastier and heavier. I like that. Even BORROWED TiME's friendly mohawk spouting drummer was visibly impressed at the sheer power we had! Showtime! As we lauched into LONG TiME DEAD the crowd was growing as friendly faces nodded, bustled and sang along as Paul and me kept up the energy levels up with our bassless twin guitar assault! Meanwhile Harry played a blinder behind the kit I'm sure there was smoke coming out of his sticks at one point! I dont think we've ever played TROPiCAL APOCALYPSE as fast as we did on Saturday night haha it really could've been the end of the world! But it wasn't. But not before too long it WAS the end of the set. And a cracking set it was too. The reaction again onstage and off was brilliant so thanks again to everyone who came along to support us!
Gloucester punksters BORROWED TiME quickly followed us and delivered a sound solid set playing tracks from their debut album 'Pushed to the Brink'.  Check them out at
Headliners DEMOB then finished the night off in style tearing through their back catalogue as if their lives depended on it! The main highlight being the fantastic 'Anti-Police' which even had Sound man/Promoter/Owner Mr Shev and his collagues sporting Coppers hats behind the bar, much to everyones amusement! Yet again another successful gig for LoGOz! Thanks again to everyone for the support at both gigs this weekend it really is truly appreciated! Cheerz :)

Monday again and its now AcoustiCalendar Song #23 KEEP YA TiMBER iN AND YA POWDER DRY. What??? I hear you say? Well, let me explain. Apparently this was an old Ashington Miners saying when they used to work down the pit, a kind of warm friendly looking out for each other, take care, watch what you're doing type of camaraderie spirit! I was told this by  a good friend of my Dad, who goes by the nickname Doof! He keeps saying it and earlier this year he challenged me to write a song called KEEP YA TiMBER iN AND YA POWDER DRY.  Its my nod and homage to the brave men and boys who are a huge part of our heritage. As an Ashingtonian myself and have mining history in my family, I feel proud and allowed to write this. So here we are, and what better time than to tie it in the Miners Picnic which takes place this Saturday June 13th at Woodhorn. As always the track will be available to download FREE from for 7 days until the next song is uploaded. Just to remind you the first AcoustiCalendar 13.1 CD is available from NOW!!!


Monday, 1 June 2015

LoGOz / Solo Gigs this week - AcoustiCalendar Song #22 HEROES OF THE DAY

After a LoGOz gig free weekend just passed us by its nice to look forward to a busy week ahead of activity band and solo wise! On Friday June 5th I have a Solo gig at The Roxbury in Blyth. I will be kicking off the night in style before anarchic anthemists ALL OUT ATTACK, snarling local heroes COLLiSiON & in the yer face punk rocking DEATH TO iNDiE. I will be playing Songs from my AcoustiCalendar Project as well as a few LoGOz tunes, and maybe a cheeky cover who knows ;) This is also local Promoter and general all round top guy and sound man Vince Race’s Birthday Bash. So come down boys and girls its FREE entry. Doors open 8.30pm See ya there :)
Then on Saturday June 6th LoGOz return to Live action at one of our favourite venues The Doll @ The Black Bull in Gateshead. This time we're supporting punk veterans DEMOB. The band originally formed in 1978 and gigged heavily on the circuit in the early days supporting diverse acts of the likes of UK SUBS, DISCHARGE, THE BEAT, ANGELIC UPSTARTS and U2! Probably their most famous track is the 1978 Single 'Anti-Police' which was championed by legendary DJ John Peel and journalist Garry Bushell. The band spilt in 1983 and didnt reform until 2001 before wrapping it in again in 2008. But again reforming for a third time in 2011 DEMOB have been touring the punk circuit ever since, and LoGOz are more than happy to be sharing the stage with the guys this Saturday night. Tickets are £5 and Doors open at 8pm.
Back to the present now and its Monday yet again and here we are on week #22 with my AcoustiCalendar project. Tonights song is HEROES OF THE DAY. This track harks back to the days of youth, innocence, wonder and hero worship! The times when pop stars really were pop stars, TV stars really shone through the small screen, Sport stars had talent with character to match, and Movie stars literally were like Gods. I'm not ashamed to admit I've posed in the mirror and dressed like Adam Ant as a kid, cheekily thought I was Tucker Jenkins at school, pretended to be Luke Skywalker in the playground, and copying the skills of Maradona in the park with my Mitre Delta! Christ I'm showing my age again haha! As ever this song will be available to download FREE from
That's it for now, its gonna be a busy Summer! Bring it on :)