We kicked off our long weekend of gigs with a return to The Tavern in Blyth on Thursday night. Having played here in April for Tony Collision's 50th Birthday bash and me playing a Solo acoustic set just a few weeks ago we were in familiar territory. After a cheeky band rehearsal earlier just to polish up a few older tracks we hadn't played in a while, we were more than happy to blow the cobwebs off the likes of SKELETONS, LiTTLE O.C.D. and POiSONADE for this weekends gigs! Opening up tonight's gig was A DAY IN HELSiNKi, who we remember playing with back in September last year at The Lord Clyde in Byker. With their alternative indie groove and some heart wrenching vocals, the band opened up well as we were itching to make a noise, although under instruction not to play too loud???!!!??!!! The weather was our enemy tonight with the pissing rain maybe putting a few folk off making the trip down! A small hardcore following were still gonna get a 100% full on committed LoGOz show that's for sure! It was cool to get MONKEY BUSiNESS back in the set along with KARAMAGEDDON as well as the aforementioned 3 as we played for a good hours blast! The sound was spot on so thanks to Vince Race for that. Special mention again to all who braved the rain and came along, much appreciated!
Friday saw us heading back up to The Barrels in Berwick for our third gig there. This venue is one of the most intimate places we'll ever play, and tonight was very initmate! Lets just say it was a disappointing turn out, but thank you so much to those who made the journey to support us! I kicked the night off with a 10 strong song set of my AcoustiCalendar tracks, kicking off with THE BALLAD OF THE DiSENCHANTED and debuting WEEKEND OFFENDER and TATTOOS AND DRiNKiNG it was a great experience supporting my own band. I look forward to doing this again very soon :) Again as a band we played like our lives depended on it and delivered a solid 60 minutes of our original punk rock n roll!!! Shame for the excitable post student gig goers who came in to see us just as we had finished!!! Also l must give a shout out to the broad Scottish Rod Stewart lookalike who I had some amusing Auf Wiedereshen Pet/ Jimmy Nail banter with afterwards! Also a big thanks to owner Jaki for booking us and of course again to the crew who came up!
Sunday saw us back in our Hometown of Ashington for the Street Fayre. This is the third year running we've been asked to play, so that can only be a good thing right? After an early morning dash to Newcastle to sort my new Acoustic Guitar I felt like I was pushing time heading back to get sorted for the gig! Those who are interested I've just purchased a brand new Fender Hellcat Tim Armstrong (Rancid) Model. Its a beauty and has an amazing tone, so I cant wait to get playing with this little baby! Anyway, the weather again was threatening to gatecrash the party with rain forecast right on our set time of 1pm. As we got to Station Road we could hear our good friend and studio engineer Mr Ally Lee fronting his Kingsize Voodoo Traveller band! Giving LoGOz plenty of plugs from the stage and getting the crowd to chant " Oh Oh Oh Mexicola" we were more than ready to hit the stage! This is always a tricky gig for me. Playing open air on the main street of my hometown where so many familiar faces stop, stare, smile, wave, clap, shout, sing etc its a total mixed bag of emotions but one I/we always thoroughly enjoy! Just as we were soundchecking the clouds broke and the rain came down haha typical!! At one point there was more than enough of the wet stuff on the electrical stage equipment for it to be quite dangerous! Thankfully the Gods came back on our side and the rain stopped and the sun shone down on us :) A great crowd had gathered to watch us again, and although we werent 100% convinced with the outdoor sound, sometimes you gotta just put that to one side and focus on delivering the songs the best way we can! And we indeed did just that! We were having way too much fun to realise we were slightly over running! So JOiE DE ViVRE ended up being our finale! There was too much of a great atmosphere and repsonse from the crowd for us to even think about complaining, so we said our farewells leaving folk wanting more!!! A great end to what was an interesting weekend of gigs for the band. But again one we feel was still important and relelvant to the whole LoGOz rollercoaster ride! Thank you to our family and friends and the people of Ashington for a great turn out and last but not least Mike 'I'm a man of my word' Slaughter for booking us again. Top man.
So here we are again on Monday as we hit halfway stage of my AcoustiCalendar 52 Project. This week Song #26 is SKOOL DAZE with a nostalgic affectionate look back on those best days of our lives! Personally I loved school and made great life long friends so I have nothing but good memories, even though it was a long time ago haha! As always the song will be available to download FREE from www.logozworld.com/52 and will be up for 7 days until the next track is uploaded. Also don't forget you can order my AcoustiCalendar 13.1 CD from www.logozworld.com/merch & logozbookings@gmail.com
Friday saw us heading back up to The Barrels in Berwick for our third gig there. This venue is one of the most intimate places we'll ever play, and tonight was very initmate! Lets just say it was a disappointing turn out, but thank you so much to those who made the journey to support us! I kicked the night off with a 10 strong song set of my AcoustiCalendar tracks, kicking off with THE BALLAD OF THE DiSENCHANTED and debuting WEEKEND OFFENDER and TATTOOS AND DRiNKiNG it was a great experience supporting my own band. I look forward to doing this again very soon :) Again as a band we played like our lives depended on it and delivered a solid 60 minutes of our original punk rock n roll!!! Shame for the excitable post student gig goers who came in to see us just as we had finished!!! Also l must give a shout out to the broad Scottish Rod Stewart lookalike who I had some amusing Auf Wiedereshen Pet/ Jimmy Nail banter with afterwards! Also a big thanks to owner Jaki for booking us and of course again to the crew who came up!
Sunday saw us back in our Hometown of Ashington for the Street Fayre. This is the third year running we've been asked to play, so that can only be a good thing right? After an early morning dash to Newcastle to sort my new Acoustic Guitar I felt like I was pushing time heading back to get sorted for the gig! Those who are interested I've just purchased a brand new Fender Hellcat Tim Armstrong (Rancid) Model. Its a beauty and has an amazing tone, so I cant wait to get playing with this little baby! Anyway, the weather again was threatening to gatecrash the party with rain forecast right on our set time of 1pm. As we got to Station Road we could hear our good friend and studio engineer Mr Ally Lee fronting his Kingsize Voodoo Traveller band! Giving LoGOz plenty of plugs from the stage and getting the crowd to chant " Oh Oh Oh Mexicola" we were more than ready to hit the stage! This is always a tricky gig for me. Playing open air on the main street of my hometown where so many familiar faces stop, stare, smile, wave, clap, shout, sing etc its a total mixed bag of emotions but one I/we always thoroughly enjoy! Just as we were soundchecking the clouds broke and the rain came down haha typical!! At one point there was more than enough of the wet stuff on the electrical stage equipment for it to be quite dangerous! Thankfully the Gods came back on our side and the rain stopped and the sun shone down on us :) A great crowd had gathered to watch us again, and although we werent 100% convinced with the outdoor sound, sometimes you gotta just put that to one side and focus on delivering the songs the best way we can! And we indeed did just that! We were having way too much fun to realise we were slightly over running! So JOiE DE ViVRE ended up being our finale! There was too much of a great atmosphere and repsonse from the crowd for us to even think about complaining, so we said our farewells leaving folk wanting more!!! A great end to what was an interesting weekend of gigs for the band. But again one we feel was still important and relelvant to the whole LoGOz rollercoaster ride! Thank you to our family and friends and the people of Ashington for a great turn out and last but not least Mike 'I'm a man of my word' Slaughter for booking us again. Top man.
So here we are again on Monday as we hit halfway stage of my AcoustiCalendar 52 Project. This week Song #26 is SKOOL DAZE with a nostalgic affectionate look back on those best days of our lives! Personally I loved school and made great life long friends so I have nothing but good memories, even though it was a long time ago haha! As always the song will be available to download FREE from www.logozworld.com/52 and will be up for 7 days until the next track is uploaded. Also don't forget you can order my AcoustiCalendar 13.1 CD from www.logozworld.com/merch & logozbookings@gmail.com