Friday July 8th saw LoGOz return to Think Tank in Newcastle for a support slot with local punk rock heroes CRASHED OUT. After more unfortunate vehicle issues with the LoGOz mobile, this meant manager Clemmy and also Jill Bee had to miss out on this one sadly. With Pauls band wagon still in full working order the 3 LoGOz punkateers rolled into Town around 6:45pm just as the CRASHED OUT boys were finishing their sound check. After a quick scope of the venue I managed to track down promoter Steve Jones so I could sort out LoGOz guest list and ticket issues etc. So I must admit was a little more relaxed once this was resolved, phew. So onto LoGOz soundcheck. As well as Band car trouble, Paul also had a bit of head trouble himself. Head, as in guitar amp head problems. So we were resolved to using a replacement combi amp, which could affect our usual twin bollocked beefy sound on stage. Thankfully with an enthusiastically top forward thinking sound man at the desk, we were back to our usual double buzz saw onslaught! A quick run through of 'No Win Situation' and we were ready to go! Just in time as the doors opened, as friends, family and punters made their way up the stairs and into the main room. With a show time of 8pm prompt I had enough time to have a crack and a beer backstage with CRASHED OUT brothers Chris and Lee Wright. Top down to earth lads who know the game so well, onstage and off. Kicking off with usual set opener 'Long Time Dead' and it felt good to back after what felt like an age since our last electric gig! To be honest the earlier transport and gear snags had slightly unsettled me, which added a nervy edge to us, and sometimes that isn't necessarily a bad thing! HELLO LONELY and DISGRACELAND particularly going down well. The set was storming along as people slowly made their way into the venue. Yet it was only as the final strains of MEXICOLA were still echoing in our ears that the bodies really started filling the room. But hey, we can't be too disappointed with the timing of something beyond our control, and at least we were safe in the knowledge that we delivered a great set to the best of our ability. As we left the stage we were met with kind words and warm handshakes from the CRASHED OUT lads who were limbering up ready for their kick off!
As we chatted with those who had came to support us, the vibes were good, as well as making a few new fans seeing LoGOz for the first time. Sweet. We found a good spot, stage left, near the front as CRASHED OUT bashed out opening track, and local anthem 'Tyne and Wear'. The lads were on top form, evidently as pretty girls danced and sang along, decked out in their favourite bands attire. The Oi boys also joining in the Friday night pogo a go go, as the band had more aces up their tattooed sleeves than a Scottish Wimbledon champion. We were also treated to a surprising blistering cover of 'Ace of Spades' by Motörhead. Of all the local and national punk rock bands we have played with over the years CRASHED OUT are right up there with the best of them in my opinion. Closing a rousing power hour with Live favourite 'Cushy Butterfield' that had the home crowd singing along, it was a triumphant end to a great gig. If you haven't witnessed the band before, do yourselves a favour and check them out here www.crashedout.co.uk
Thanks again to everyone who came along. Cheers to Lee for the gear share and to Sean Valentine for the contact, also to Steve Jones and everyone at Think Tank.
So on to Sunday and here was two gigs with a difference! Double acoustic slots, one for LoGOz and one solo. Both at the Metro Radio Arena in Newcastle for the North Vegan Festival. With the event opening at 10:30am and LoGOz being first act of the day at 11am, this was definitely our earliest timed performance to date! As we drove past security and into the loading bay at the rear ending of the Arena, we were greeted by today's entertainments manager Todd C Stone. After a slight backstage winding maze Spinal Tap-esque "Hello Cleveland" journey, we were soon in the main arena where the stalls with food, drinks, clothing etc were all in full swing. The stage was sort of set up with its back to most of the main stalls but facing 100's of those lovely green cold arse seats the Arena is famous for. This meant we had an audience coming from all sides! We were also given a nice little side room in which to warm up, as Coldplay blasting through the PA was a little off putting to say the least! So as Paul and me got our acoustic groove on and Carlos the Tambourine man shook along to the beat and it was almost time to get up and get on.
Just as we were tuned up plugged in and ready to start we were informed by Sound tech, DJ Neil Owen Kipling, (who was an exceedingly good host) that we were also being broadcast Live on Nova Radio North East. Cool. Breezing straight into 'JUBILEEZER' with its stripped down swagger this was gonna be a laid back fun gig as at least 1,000 vegan revellers lapped up the delights on offer, sonic and organic. With a cheeky Sex Pistols cover changed to 'Pretty Vegan' we were having way too much fun for a Sunday morning and it was all over too quick! But not for me, as I was second act of the day with a solo set to follow. So after a quick change over and refresh I was back onstage and raring to go! Kicking off with my usual solo opener 'The Ballad of the Disenchanted' it felt good after LoGOz set had warmed me right up and my confidence was sky high. Thankfully Clemmy was able to make it today and got some fantastic pics of the band and myself which really captures the spirit of the event. Also Jill Bee broadcast the gigs Live on Periscope online too. So thanks to hundreds of folk who tuned in to watch that too! Finishing my set with 'Old Punks Never Die' complete with 'Only Fools and Horses' crescendo, I could've played all night! But there were more acts to follow, and what's more, I was Hank Marvin! Time to sample the delights we thought, and the offer of a vegan hospitality Hot Dog (or Not Dog to Paul) was too much to resist! I can honestly say I really enjoyed mine, but I'm not sure Carl and Paul were convinced. A quick mooch around the stalls and against my better judgement I bought some super hot cashew nuts. After popping a free sample nut in my gob and yet to get the Naga chilli kick, it was only when I handed my money over in exchange for a bag that my eyes started bubbling and steam was coming out my ears and I was sweating profusely, that I realised I'd maybe misjudged these bad boys! On returning to the group I was more than happy to share my hot nuts with anyone who wished to be my guest! They were not as grateful haha! All in all a very successful, different, unusual but exciting and very rewarding pair of gigs today that I wouldn't have missed for the world. Cheers again to Todd and Neil, all the pretty vegans and everyone at the Arena. Special mention to transport saviour J Dent too.
Thank for reading!
Peesh X