Friday night saw LoGOz back on familiar turf with another trip to The Doll at The Black Bull in Gateshead. This time we were supporting the (in)famous Punk Pop funsters DIRTBOX DISCO. We got to venue around 7:45pm in good time and were pretty much setting gear up within minutes. All going smoothly so far so good. Then as we were sound checking we were in formed that there had been a change of plan! What this meant weren't really sure as no one really explained to us! So as we had initially been booked as main support band, therefore being second act on we assumed this was still to be the case, right? Wrong. After a very comfortable yet noisy sound check, Carl was the man informed that LoGOz were now first band on and actually due onstage in 5 minutes! To say we were disappointed and bemused by this decision was an understatement! But with the room filling up quickly there was no time for questions! So we picked up our guitars and sticks and hit the stage just before 8:30pm with instructions to be off by 9pm!!! We answered all of these last minute changes and demands in the best possible way! By simply playing one of the best gigs we've ever done! It was pretty frantic stuff but we delivered 30 minutes of sweaty punk pop rock n roll originality :) The crowd were brilliant as we made new friends and fans, as familiar faces shined with sweat and sang along like an urban choir! As far as performing goes, it couldn't have gone better, but we still had a bitter taste in our mouth at the last minute slot time change. As this also isn't the first time it has happened. We just think it could have been dealt with in a better way. That's all.
Next up then was DEATH TO INDIE with their recent line up change. The guys gave us a generous 45 minute set of energetic originals scattered with a few tongue in cheek covers! The lads are still bedding the new boys in so didn't quite hit their usual stride, but its early days, and the signs are still there.

So onto Monday again and AcoustiCalendar Song #41 comes in the shape of DEAD END CiTY BLUES. This is a wander around some of the decaying urban streets of our locality. This is by no means disrespectful. Its purely honest and real. Every word is something I have either seen or heard with my own eyes and ears. It may be a dark tale but there's always a light at the end of it. You just have to find it. As always you can download this song Free at and will be available for seven days until the next track is uploaded.

That's all for now!
Thanks for reading :)
Peesh x
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