After what's looking like a quiet January on the live gigging front there's still plenty going on in LoGOz world! After a successful post new year uplifting gig at the Tavern in Blyth on January 3rd the band hit the rehearsal room the following week to work on new songs. This resulted in the spanking track 'VOiCE OF A DEGENERATiON'. I wrote this towards the end of last year and which will hopefully be making its Live début at an upcoming gig in the very near future.
Early January 2016 has been quite a busy time personally for writing and recording new demos for LoGOZ. Tracks that have been buzzing like angry wasps in my head have now been laid down and passed onto Paul and Carl to get their collective nashers into. With titles such as 'HUMAN CONDiTiON' and 'END OF AN ERA' these songs are just waiting to be unleashed! Its like chewing bubblegum with razorblades! Ouch!
I've also been rehearsing pretty hard with my AcoustiCalendar bunch of songs. All 52 of them in fact. The point being I always wanted to play every single one of these songs Live at some stage very soon. Im pleased to say this next personal challenge is going very well. I've also added some swanky new equipment to my solo attire. The first being a Marshall AS50DR Acoustic soloist amplifier in Oxblood red. Very easy on the eye and even more so on the ear.
Also lets not forget my new vintage 50s style chrome microphone too which I've been meaning to get my mits on for yonks now! After blasting the arse out of them both last week at Pulse studios in Blyth I'm pleased to say they're sounding cracking and can't wait to debut them at a solo gig near you soon! Watch this space! I must say though the acoustic amp didn't come delivered without incident! Oh no. On arrival as I took it out of the perfectly undamaged packaging I noticed one of the casters on the bottom was totally shattered meaning the amp was unsteady and rocking like a bastard, and not in a good way!

So after a good few days of emails and phone calls via Clemmy, Mizzi Bee and myself and a well known online retailer, my damaged item has to be returned! But I had to wait to be refunded and re order as opposed to a straight swap/redelivery! I'm sorry to say their customer service was nothing short of shite! So after receiving my new gear eventually it's been well worth the hassle in the end!
Big thanks to all at the Guitar, Amp and Keyboard Centre.
Also just to let you know on Thursday January 28th I will be Live on American Punk Rock Radio Station chatting with Lisa PunkrPrincess about all things LoGOz and more!! Catch this show online at 8pm UK time!

Here's a few solo dates for your diaries lads and lasses. Both at the good old Tavern in Blyth. I'll be playing there on Sunday February 21st at 6pm with The Voluntears. This is FREE Entry so come and end your weekend in style, maybe chuck a holiday in for the Monday or hoy a sickie haha! Also I'm pleased to say after a successful Xmas show together I'll again be supporting the chaptastic Mr B The Gentleman Rhymer on his UK Tour on September 2nd 2016.
That's all for now folks. Plenty of new gig announcements and new release dates coming soon! Stay tuned!
Thanks for reading.
All the Best
Peesh X
Sent from my iPhone
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