Thursday April 21st saw me perform a gig with a difference. This would be at the Marjorie Robinson Library Vibes event in conjunction with the Newcastle University. To say I was slightly nervous for this was an understatement so it was nice when the big day arrived and the sun was shining on Tyneside on this bright Thursday evening!
We hit the venue just after 5pm and were greeted by co organiser and friend Ms Karina Forrest. With a private room sectioned off for artists only, this was a cool quiet place to limber up and get my groove on before show time. After a little soundcheck just before the first performer it was cool to get my levels sorted as it was the time I'd be singing and playing purely through my Marshall acoustic vocalist combo amp. It was sounding sweet man I'm pleased to say!
We even had time to roll the video camera and capture a few Live renditions in the 'Green Room'. We hope to share these with you very soon!

With the schedule running a little late I took to my spot at around 7pm. The pre gig nerves that had taunted me most of the week were soon forgotten after I introduced myself and breezed into THE BALLAD OF THE DISENCHANTED to enthusiastic receptive applause! The crowd was mainly made up of students, teachers, University workers and a scattering of family and friends. I took full advantage of the respectful library atmosphere and told, sometimes at length, the stories behind some of the songs from my AcoustiCalendar 2015 project. The audience lapped it up and listened intently as my confidence grew by every song! Personal highlights were CHARLIE CIGARETTES, and KEEP YA TIMBER IN AND YA POWDER DRY, complete with my Ashington miners tale and my Great Uncle Jackie Milburn link. Also BROKEN HEART STRINGS almost did exactly that as I really got inside that song and the raw emotion really came out I think. The whole gig was broadcast Live on Periscope via Twitter and had a fantastic response on there too! We also recorded the whole gig ourselves so we're happy to say my whole performance is now on YouTube for you all to enjoy! (video link for this is at the bottom of this blog. Ed) I very much look forward to this and hearing your feedback! I closed the show with OLD PUNKS NEVER DIE with AUF WEIDERSEHEN PET / LIKELY LADS outtro in homage to the great city itself!

Also just to let you know I have uploaded some of my Acoustic tracks onto some of my web pages. So please check out
Also where I'm at #4 in the North East singer songwriter charts. The more hits and plays these sites get the better it is for me and the higher up the charts I go! Your help and support is hugely appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
All the Best
Peesh X
Watch the whole gig here
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