Well here we are back again at the good old Doll at the Black Bull in Gateshead supporting UK punk veterans (with a new line up) The Blood. We managed to grab a quick greedy one hour band rehearsal at Pulse Music Studios. We just wanted to polish up as this was still only Harry's second gig back in LoGOz, as he's literally just jumped into a rather deep end of the swimming pool that is punk rock n roll!!! With the clocks springing forward a few weeks ago our drive through Newcastle was almost unrecognizable in the bright early evening sun! We hit the venue in good time to catch The Blood finishing their soundcheck. Lead Singer The Cardinal had yet to don his Mitre Hat and Robe, so this was a sneaky preview indeed. A band whose ex members include Dave Shit, Elvis Christ and Cardinal Jesus Hate, this was always gonna be an interesting night. Also The Blood's new Bass player is a certain Sean Valentine, a good friend of the band and one time potential LoGOz member back in the day :)

After a slight communication breakdown and misunderstanding regarding guest list and paying punters, we were told we were second band on at 9:15pm. Champion. Only to be then told 10 minutes later we were back to being first band on. We were cool with that, as that was the original line up to begin with anyway :) So after a swift visit to the bar we got ready for soundcheck. We nailed a one take 'No Win Situation' and were ready for show time! The venue was filling up healthily as we hit the stage around 8:20pm. The place was jumping, and with camera phones flashing in our sweaty faces we tore through a 10 strong song set! The sound was loud and raw in there tonight but we blasted a great 30 minuter as Harry played out of his specs, and got a top second gig under his Cowboy Hat.
Next up was Midland Punk 4 piece Criminal X who played a frantic 40 minute set never letting up the pace, with the crowd right on their side! Then it was the turn of The Cardinal and his Punk Disciples, The Blood. Now dressed in full Red Mitre Hat and matching gown, and clutching a bottle of Magners, as opposed to a blood of Christ filled Chalice, it was time for some Bishop bashing!!! The Blood delivered what their fans asked for, and they got it! The band were tight and solid with Valentine shining in particular. Personally l thought that that was the busiest and biggest crowd l've seen at The Doll in all the times of playing there, so yet again it goes down as a success in LoGOz book. More new friends, fans and contacts were made, and that's what its all about at the end of the day for us :) Cheers to everyone who came down and made a noise with us! Also thanks to Shev for arranging this gig. Big up of course to Criminal X and God Bless The Blood for making it an interestingly unreligiously cracking night. Amen.
So onto Monday again and we're up to Song #15 of my AcoustiCalendar Project. This weeks track is THE STREETS OF SWEET HOPE. I have to be honest and this kiddie was only literally finished being written today, so thats as new as it gets folks haha! So with not much rehearsal time its pretty much a one taker again with an extra layer of vocals on to give it a bit more body. The song itself is a kind of under hand homage to a place very close to me in more ways than one. The lyrics pretty much tell its own story of working class everyday ordinariness. Yet despite the boredom and despair some people feel, there always hope....sweet hope indeed :) As always this song will be available at www.logozworld.com/52 for 7 days until the next track is uploaded. We have also now compiled the first 13 Tracks for a hard copy CD. This will become AcoustiCalendar 13.1. As throughout the course of the year we will be releasing a total of 4, 13 track CDs, completing the 52 Song project in December, phew!!!
These CDs will be available at my Solo gigs which are currently being organised as we speak. On that note l'm happy to announce my very first Solo Acoustic gig will be at The Roxbury in Blyth on Thursday April 23rd. So put it on your diary, book a babysitter, get your best drinking trousers and smoking jackets on and come down and join in some laid back melodic punk Anarcoustic tuneage, including a few LoGOz tracks, as you've never heard them before. I also have a brand new Facebook page to accompany this project. Although not a huge FB fan or user, you have no worries of finding out mundanities like what I've had for my tea or my opinion on the latest reality farces! This is strictly for the music so please check out and 'Like' me on www.facebook.com/acousticalendar Thanks in advance :)
Thats it for now folks :)