Monday 20th April: Here we are at the beginning of another working week and things are just getting a whole lot busier in LoGOz world and for me personally! As we shook our weekend hangovers off Monday afternoon was spent recording and mixing my NEW AcoustiCalendar Song #16 BROKEN HEART STRiNGS. More on the details of this track in a mo, but I will say the broadband gremlins had a part to play in challenging my patience in getting the bastard uploaded ready for the FREE Download later that night! But hey, this is LoGOz and nothing is ever straight forward! We wouldn't have it any other way :)
With an alternative solution via the gift of CD and Master of WAV files, between Clemmy, Jill Bee and myself we managed to get it sorted :) Despite this little altercation I can assure you that no technological gadgets where harmed in the process :)
Shit, I've still got a radio interview and Live acoustic performance to do! Bombing up the spine road in the early evening sun we rolled up to Radio Northumberland HQ around 7:45pm with 15 minutes to spare before appearing on the New Wave with Newman Show at 8pm. We were greeted warmly as ever by Mr Keith himself and his trustee sidekick and local gigateer Punky Paul.

So onto Mondays NEW AcoustiCalendar Song #16 BROKEN HEART STRiNGS. Bit of a deep one this, and a subject I've kind of always avoided writing about. But it came out of nowhere last week and was stuck in my head so it seemed like the right time to let it out. We've all lost someone close to us in our lives. Whether it be, family, friends, or loved ones. Although they are no longer with us, we never forget. So this is my tribute to my best friend who was taken way too young. Hope you like it. As ever this song will be available for FREE download from for 7 days until the next track is uploaded.
Also dont forget I'll be playing my first solo gig at The Roxbury in Blyth this Thursday April 23rd at 9pm. Check the event page on Facebook here:
Speaking of Facebook dont forget to check out and 'Like' my new page right here
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