After a personal mini music break and much needed relaxation and human battery recharge LoGOz returned to the Live scene on Good Friday April 3rd, with a gig at The Tavern in Blyth! But this was no ordinary gig people, oh no!
This was a secret surprise 50th Birthday bash for COLLiSiON frontman Mr. Tony Houghton. Arranged by future Mrs H to be, Karen Khaos who had admirably kept the whole thing a secret from Tony, with a little help from the Collision gang too of course! Tony's face was a picture as he walked into the Tavern to a rapturous reception from close friends and family! For once he looked lost for words, only to turn to LoGOz as we were ready to soundcheck and warmly sneered "Yee Bastards" haha!

So, on to Saturday and our first gig in Darlington at The Railway supporting KiCKBACK GENERATiON. As we entered Darlo we were having slight communication breakdown problems with our satellite navigational system! After a few somewhat misleading directions from locals we finally reached our destination, only an hour later than originally planned! Entering the venue we were greeted by the Kickback guys mainman Jim right on time for soundcheck. Things were sounding great as the place was starting to fill up nicely, and before we knew it, it was showtime! This was Harry's second debut with the band after he played our first gigs way back in 2012, and this was his first public performance since the October of that year! You'd never have thought it as we tore into LONG TiME DEAD then straight into JUBiLEEZER, almost as if he'd never been away! The balance of playing with 2 different drummers in successive nights was a great test for the band but we more than pulled it off as the appreciative crowd lapped it up! The place was jumping by the time we left them with our standard set closer MEXiCOLA. We really warmed to this new venue, the crowd were great, and we're already in talks for a return headline gig there in the not too distant future :)
Many new friends were made tonight, so a Big thanks to everyone who came down and made a noise with us yet again! Also big up to KiCKBACK GENERATiON for a great set, especially Jim for getting us the gig and to Anki, The Railway owner and new LoGOz enthusiast. All in all a great weekend for the band and a cracking reintroduction for Harry, well played that man! The night was not over yet as on the way home Clemmy and Mizzi Bee were involved in a brush with the law due to DVLA complications! Papers, documents and cautions were all resolved in time thankfully for the innocent Blyth 2! So not even the bully boys in blue could dampen our spirits in what was an amazing Easter weekend! I just wish I'd seen the Coppers faces when they saw Clemmy's cowboy t-shirt :)

Bank Holiday Monday now it is and that means its AcoustiCalendar track time again! So here we are with Song #14 LOOKiNG TO LONDON. An ode to the big smoke, the capital City, home of our dear Queen, birthplace of the Sex Pistols, and allegedly the centre of the music industry...or is it? No matter how hard you try there's no denying it, we've all been there, people still head there to seek fame and fortune, some win, some lose, some beg, some choose, but at the end of the day, at one point in our life we've all been...Looking to London :) As ever you can download this track for FREE at The song will be up on the site for the next 7 days until the next new track is uploaded :)
Happy Bank Holiday
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