Wednesday 9 March 2016

The Three Tuns - Gateshead - Solo Acoustic Gig 08/03/16

So on a cold March Tuesday evening I was back at the The Three Tuns in Gateshead for the first time since October 2014!! That night was with LoGOz on a memorable gig supporting US pop punksters The Dollyrots. But tonight it was my first solo acoustic outing at this splendid live music establishment, as part of Insangel Promotions Introducing night. The LoGOz bandwagon was now in full solo mode this evening with myself, the trustee Hellcat geetar, Clemmy and Jill Bee making the trip over the fog of the Tyne. With the 4 acts being 2 bands and 2 acoustic performers I was more than happy to be given second slot on the night. But alas the first man didn't bother his arse to show up for some reason, so therefore that meant me opening proceedings. Not a problem! After a swift successful soundcheck earlier I was slightly a taken back when I kicked into set opener THE BALLAD OF THE DISENCHANTED and the sound was noticeably somewhat different! I jokingly challenged this and was told from the stage that the sound was exactly how it had been earlier haha! Oh well..on with the show! It was great to be playing another solo gig on a good stage albeit in front of a small but receptive audience! My confidence was growing by every song as the phone cameras flashed, and even a slight plectrum drop during KEEP YA TIMBER IN & YA POWDER DRY couldn't stop the flow! I finished my 30 minute stint with OLD PUNKS NEVER DIE complete with my 12:OTHERS project crescendo of AUF WEIDERSEHEN LADS! All in all another successful solo spot under my belt and thanks to Phil Hughes from Insangel for putting me on.

As we grabbed our next drinks from  the bar it was the turn of TEMPLE AVENUE to strut their stuff. After having a good crack with the lads who were very complimentary of my set, we were looking forward to checking them out for the first time! We weren't disappointed, as the power trio blasted out a solid melodic  hook laden half hour of their own original brand of alternative rock! At times putting me in mind of the Foo Fighters, which can only be a good thing! With a pounding rhythm section of the impressively bearded Martin on Bass and Dom on drums, leaving the space for singer guitarist Craig's soaring melodies to shine through. All this despite the frontman's unfortunate electric shocks from the mic! Don't worry mate I've been there before, many a time..and always in Gateshead too.. Strange! Nevermind a great set from a top bunch of lads. Check their website out here

Last up was a band called GRIP. Never heard of them before so wasn't quite sure what to expect. Always expect the unexpected they say! But surely if you expect the unexpected then it ceases to be unexpected..right???!!! Anyway to my sheer unexpectedness they were a straight up 100% cover band. It added variety to the night I suppose. To be fair they were pretty good and it all sounded right as they breezed through classics such as ANOTHER GIRL, ANOTHER PLANET, EVER FALLEN IN LOVE, TOWN CALLED MALICE and MY GENERATION. 

As we said our farewells and headed out of Gateshead, again it was job well done with a sense of personal pride of another solo gig in the locker! Looking back this time last year I was yet to even play a solo show so it's a timely reminder how far I've come in just under a year! Excuse my unintentional trumpet blowing but those close to me know how hard and how long it has taken me to get here haha! Thanks to everyone at The Three Tuns, Phil Insangel, Karina, Temple Avenue, Grip and of course Clemmy and Jill.

Just a quick reminder again that on Thursday March 10th LoGOz will be supporting UK Punk legends 999 at Trillians Rock Bar in Newcastle. Doors open 8pm and it's £5 Entry. Look forward to seeing some familiar faces down there!

Peesh X

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